Monday, August 9, 2010

Empyreal Radiance

I discovered the sheer force of my spirituality during the waning days of my marriage, when I realized a hand much larger than my own was guiding me towards a destiny I couldn’t yet fully comprehend. Compelled, I scoured countless sources - books, websites, shamans, and sages, searching for confirmation that my life was truly purposeful. If only an angel lighted in my life and provided me with the perfect answers, mais non! It was an arduous process, my loves! I knew with absolute certainty that my place was in the creative realm; concurrently, I perceived that I was merely a singular aspect of a much larger megacosm. Regardless of these truths, I at times felt as if I existed in my own void. Time and again I turned to my inner voice, my very essence, for guidance and reassurance. The denouement of my abiding mystical quest - a sublime revelation: my connection to everyone, everything, the sum of which being a singular divine provenance. To realize the inner – connectedness of every existing particle on earth filled me with comfort. I finally realized with complete certainty that I was not alone! I serenely meandered through the Great Gotham, marveling in my spiritual oneness with each tiny pebble, towering edifice, and being, (of which there are multitudes!), surrounding me. At last, faithfully, joyfully recognizing that we are all a part of the same divine light enabled me to celebrate the best and endure the worst of my life. It has provided me with an absolute tensile strength of spirit, bolstering me during my most dire and daunting days. No matter what could come to pass, I would forevermore possess the strength to carry on!

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